Cruelty Free Shop & Vegie Bar takeaway

Green Matt and Nat purse

I had another blog post to publish, but I had so much fun today that I’ve put that aside and written a new one. What was so much fun? I made my first trip to the new Melbourne Cruelty Free shop in Brunswick Street, Fitzroy, and then followed it up by taking Vegie Bar takeaway over to my mum’s place to share for lunch.

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Too much of a good thing

Simply Greens stirfry with tahini sauce.

After watching Super Size Me again recently, I had an idea. If Morgan Spurlock could end up that sick and unhealthy-looking after 30 days of eating bad food and not exercising, I wondered whether we could make a significant difference to our health and fitness if we did 30 days of healthy living…but ‘Fitness Month’ hasn’t got off to a very good start!

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Melanie Joy Day

Well what an exciting day it’s been! Melanie Joy is touring Australia, speaking about carnism, so H and I took the day off to go and see her.

She was speaking at the National Herbarium at around lunchtime, and I knew there was slim chance of any vegan food at the Botanic Gardens cafe, so I made the Chocolate-Chocolate Chip-Walnut Cookies from Veganomicon to keep us going. (Not a healthy lunch…but they do contain flaxseeds, walnuts…and dark chocolate!) I highly recommend them—can’t go wrong with that much chocolate in one cookie. Anyway, we made up for the bad stuff with a healthy fix later on.

Chocolate-Chocolate Chip- Walnut Cookies from Veganomicon. Continue reading