Horrors of election night

Ingredients of the salad dressing: mustard, hummous, horseradish and sesame oil

Vegan MoFo 2013 banner image

It’s not a happy day in Australia today—it’s election day and we are being forced to choose between two particularly uninspiring—and frankly, quite scary—major parties. The leader of one of these parties (and we’re pretty sure which one…shudder…) will become our new Prime Minister.

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Vegan grog

3 bottles: wine, cider, beer

Unfortunately, only the Cooper’s is on the vegan list . The other 2 aren’t on the list, but I can tell you that the Vasse Felix wine label says it contains traces of milk products. Looks like I’m sticking with Cooper’s for a while.

When I stopped consuming animal products, the last thing I was thinking about was checking which alcoholic drinks I could consume.

I was focused on avoiding eggs, dairy, honey, even gelatine, but the thought that bits of animals’ bodies could be used to manufacture my glass of wine was not even on my radar. I’d heard that that kind of thing had gone on once upon a time, but assumed it would be something that had died out years ago.

But just like so many of the cruel, unnecessary practices we inflict upon animals, this one still goes on. Continue reading

Chilli beans and cheesecake

Dinner plate with chilli beans, salad, corn, taco chips, guacamole and soy sour cream...and a stubby of beer.I’ve got a lanky 19-year-old son who runs about 16 kms several times a week, and rides a bike everywhere. Trying to keep him fed is ridiculous. He is ALWAYS hungry and appreciates filling, healthy food…and chocolate.

Last night he actually made it home for dinner, so we had dinner AND dessert, and I think I succeeded in filling him up…well, he did have multiple serves of the chilli beans.

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