Christmas main course – sorted!

Sliced loaf showing the pastry, bean and stuffing layers

Do you ever have those days when everything in the kitchen seems to go to plan…and it turns out way better than you expected? Well, I had one of those days today!

Lately, I’ve been poring over blogs and cookbooks to find something to take to our family Christmas celebrations. Today it was time to experiment, so I put together a whole lot of my favourite options and, amazingly, it all came together really well – including getting the nod from all the family.

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Chocolate for dinner?

Mole in a saucepanHave you ever tried mole—the Mexican sauce made up of a whole lot of different savoury spices—that often includes chocolate? I hadn’t until today!

It’s not something we generally see in Australia—I’ve never even seen it in a Mexican restaurant—but it’s fascinated me ever since I saw the Hairy Bikers make it a few years ago.  How could chocolate work in a SAVOURY dish? I couldn’t even imagine it.

As a bit of a chocolate addict, I was willing to give it a try, so I was pretty excited when I noticed a recipe for Mole Skillet Pie with Greens in my new copy of Veganomicon. I can’t add the recipe here, because that would breach copyright, sorry, but it’s an easy book to get hold of.

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Birthday favourite (or habit)

Birthday candles in sticky date pudding.We had a family birthday at our house the other day. My baby boy turned 20!  I know every parent says this but…where did the years go??

It seems like only a couple of years ago that we were at his friend’s McDonald’s 5th birthday party and the waitress asked me, “If your son’s is vegetarian, is it OK for him to have fries?”

I was about to answer that he wasn’t vegetarian (it was ME who was vegetarian), but then I realised that he’d told her he was—and he has been ever since. (I was rather pleased!)

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Black bean and quinoa soup

Quino and black bean soup, with a plate of corn chips and mashed avocado.

The photo doesn’t really do it justice. It was much brighter than this in real life. I really need to become a better photographer.

I’ve been making lots of yummy things lately, but I never seem to remember to take a photo of any of them before I stuff them into my mouth!

A recipe blog entry isn’t very interesting without a picture, so it’s been a while since I’ve posted a recipe.

Well, tonight I re-made a Post Punk Kitchen recipe for Black Bean and Quinoa Soup, and managed to restrain myself long enough to get a photo before I gobbled it up.

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