Movies and treats

Puffy Pillow Pancakes with blueberry ginger sauce

I’ve been in a bit of a funk (for want of a better word) lately. The behaviour and reactions of a few people I’ve met recently (meat eaters and vegans) blew the wind out of my sails for a while…but I’m back today to tell you about a little vegan feast that H and I shared. We chomped into some excellent nut cheeses, a pre-packaged dessert and a recipe from Isa Does It (even though my copy of the book hasn’t arrived yet).

If I can muster the energy I’ll explain what caused my ‘funk’ in a later post. (Don’t you love the word ‘funk’? Makes me think of grooving around the disco floor – which isn’t really how I’ve been feeling.)

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Surviving the Spring Racing Carnival

Mister Nice Guy cupcakes at Williamstown

Verema didn’t survive

Melbourne’s Spring Racing Carnival has been depressing – especially when Verema was euthanased on the track after breaking a leg (or something like that). I tried not to read any of the articles on any of it, because it just made me feel sick – especially this article by Michael Lynch in the Age, which totally misses the point. RIP Verema.

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And they’re racing!

Melbourne loves the Spring Racing Carnival. I was 9 years old when I picked my first Melbourne Cup winner – Think Big – and I picked him in both 1974 and 1975 (but never picked a winner again).

Man in suit holding two glasses of wine.

Lots of people are once-a-year punters, and some even get so engrossed in the excitement and glamour that they buy a share in a racehorse, hoping to make a killing with the next Makybe Diva or Black Caviar – and I’m pretty sure they have no idea just how much killing is involved (good pun, eh?).

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