Taiji and Puckapunyal: Cruelty right under our noses

Dolphin's face

Social media seems to be buzzing with pictures and stories of the horrific dolphin massacre in Taiji, Japan. It seems like the whole world is watching on helplessly, as these beautiful, intelligent creatures are terrorised, tortured and butchered or kidnapped.

We find it hard to understand how the Japanese people could let this go on. Well, something I heard on a podcast a couple of days ago gave me an insight into how these kinds of atrocities can be kept hidden when the perpetrators know that what they’re doing can’t be justified.

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Wisdom teeth and a heatwave

Spaghetti with tempeh meatballs

Last week, temperatures in Melbourne crept up 44° Celsius (about 111°F for those who measure temperature in Fahrenheit) during a heatwave that lasted for 4 days, but seemed much longer!

It’s always tricky to cook and eat when your head is foggy, you’re dripping with sweat and can barely move, but we had further complications – H, my 17-year-old daughter, had mouth surgery, including wisdom teeth extractions, so anything crunchy was definitely out.

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Green Press: lunch and a good book

Green smoothie, Ginny Bar and a good book

When it comes to my work day lunches, I sometimes find it a bit of a challenge to think of something to eat. It’s fine if I’ve brought my own – usually leftovers from the night before – but if I have to buy my lunch, my choices are a bit limited.

Over the last few months I’ve been a little bit excited about some new cafes that have opened up nearby – but never quite as excited as when a new juice/smoothie/salad café opened its doors recently.

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Isa’s done it again!

Two great cookbooks: Veganomicon and Isa Does it

I thought Veganomicon was supposed to be the ‘ultimate vegan cookbook’, but I think it may have been deposed.

I know I was probably the last vegan in the world to get my copy, but I’m absolutely loving Isa Does It! Before it arrived last month, I’d been imagining it to be a soft-covered book of about 100 pages – one of those cookbooks that are a bit like a thick magazine. It was such a lovely surprise to rip the package open and find a beautiful, big, hard-cover book with gorgeous colours and photos and illustrations.

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New Year’s resolutions

I know some people think New Year’s resolutions are dumb, but I love them. They’re a chance to re-evaluate things and make plans (even if I don’t always keep them).

A lot of people around me had a horrible time in 2013, but for me personally, it was rather good.  I’m hoping 2014 can be just as good – but for everyone, this time! Here are my resolutions to keep me on track for another good year.

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