Belated veganversary celebration

Vegan Taquitos (front) and Vegan Black Bean Tacos (rear)

About 13 months ago, H (my daughter) and I (sort of) decided to try being vegan “for a month or so, just to see how we go”.  It was pretty much the same way I went lacto-ovo vegetarian about 20 years ago, and it had the same result – we never looked back.

We can’t actually remember the date of either declaration because, at the time, we didn’t realise they were going to be the start of anything big, but we’re pretty sure we went vegan in January 2013. Unfortunately, in January 2014, H was nursing a very sore mouth after her wisdom tooth surgery, so it wasn’t until this weekend that we finally got our Veganversary celebration.

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New Year’s resolutions

I know some people think New Year’s resolutions are dumb, but I love them. They’re a chance to re-evaluate things and make plans (even if I don’t always keep them).

A lot of people around me had a horrible time in 2013, but for me personally, it was rather good.  I’m hoping 2014 can be just as good – but for everyone, this time! Here are my resolutions to keep me on track for another good year.

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