All Christmassed out

Melbourne really turned it on for Christmas this year. After a miserable week, we finally got some amazing weather.

Now Christmas is over, and I’m chillin’ on the verandah with a soda water. The dog is roaming around the sunny garden, and I thought this would be a good time to catch up on a bit of blogging. Christmas didn’t turn out exactly as I’d planned, but it was very relaxing, a lot of fun, and way too much great food was devoured by all.

Vegan Christmas: no drama

The loaf, fudge babies and cashew cream.

I’ve read a lot about nightmare Christmases, where vegans dine on a lettuce leaf or bread roll, while their friends and family hack at an animal carcass and try to persuade them that they need to eat meat.

Those stories made me a little bit worried about what was in store for me this year. Perhaps attitudes are changing, because I’ve had 3 Christmas dinners, and so far, I’ve eaten VERY well, no carcasses have been thrust in my face, and I haven’t even had to face any debates on the pros and cons of a vegan diet!

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Christmas main course – sorted!

Sliced loaf showing the pastry, bean and stuffing layers

Do you ever have those days when everything in the kitchen seems to go to plan…and it turns out way better than you expected? Well, I had one of those days today!

Lately, I’ve been poring over blogs and cookbooks to find something to take to our family Christmas celebrations. Today it was time to experiment, so I put together a whole lot of my favourite options and, amazingly, it all came together really well – including getting the nod from all the family.

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Preparing for my first vegan Christmas

beet burgers cooking

I’m just gearing up for my first Christmas as a vegan. This will be interesting! I’ve had about 20 years of family get-togethers as a vegetarian, but that meant that all of the cheesy and eggy alternatives were available. This time I’m going to have to be a bit more inventive when I choose my contribution – after all, I’m representing vegan food…and the animals are depending on me to show everyone else that it’s REALLY good!

Cute pig in grass, looking at the camera.

Wilbur says, “Don’t mess it up!”

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