Be Kind to Animals Week 2013

Bruschetta from Bruschetta Bar

Happy Be Kind to Animals Week! It’s been a big week in Melbourne. It made me very thankful that I have a very nice vegetarian (almost vegan) manager (hi KJ if you’re reading this! 🙂 ) who was happy for me to rearrange my week so I could get along to a couple of the events.

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I couldn’t give up my cheese

Calf nuzzling its mumMost vegan people I know, including myself, have been vegetarian before they became vegan. (OK, Marieke Hardy went cold-tofurkey from meat eater to vegan, which is pretty damned incredible) , but most of us begin by giving up eating flesh and continuing to consume milk and cheese and eggs, smug in the ‘knowledge’ that no animal has had to die for our meals. Ha!

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